Elevate your relationship with your horse to an everlasting partnership.
Understanding the principles of communication with horses in natural way and using them during exercises will allow you to be your horse's partner, friend, but also student.
The only tools you need to communicate with the horse are a rope halter, a lead rope and a stick.
I don't train other people's horses to serve them. I train people to understand horses and thus make their lives more beautiful.
Coaching and Clinics
For Beginners
A series of seven three-day clinics from basics to master level.
(In person at your stable.) -
Three-day clinics focused on a specific skill such as riding without reins, driving, games in liberty, etc.
(In person at your stable.) -
For Groups
Group compositions and games for three and more horses or pairs (artistic).
Horse handling clinic for stable employees.
(In person at your stable.) -
Individual Lessons
Personalized lessons in person or online consultation one on one.
Member Area with various advice, observations and recommendations is reserved for students and members.
You can get access to this section as our student or on request in questionnaire here. Just write "I want to become a member" in the "additional message" field.